A Fathers Heart

I often sing lullabies to my daughter as I put her to sleep.

One of my favourite is an older song from church. It’s by Matt Redman and has a soft beautiful melody.


“I have heard so many songs
Listened to a thousand tongues
But there is one
That sounds above them all

The Father’s song
The Father’s love
You sung it over me and for eternity
It’s written on my heart

Heaven’s perfect melody
The Creator’s symphony
You are singing over me
The Father’s song”

Singing this over her as she falls asleep is one of the favourite things in my life. Tonight as I sung it over her a mystery was also solved and it moved my heart.

Heather and I have both noticed that often when we rock and sing her to sleep we can hear her speaking softly but we can’t quite make out what she is saying. This evening I also heard her, so I paused the song and leaned forward, bringing her head towards my ear and she continued to speak, “and daddy, and mummy. And Bobby and Rose…”

It’s a prayer.

She is praying as we rock her. Each night for the last five weeks she has asked us to pray for Mommy, Daddy, Bobby, Rosie and then there are other additions depending on the circumstances. Sometimes it is Zach, other times it is Mammu and Daddu (Her name for my parents.) Tonight it was Ben, Rose’s younger brother.

I am a follower of Jesus and my greatest desire for her life is that she also will be a follower of Jesus. She is much too young to make that life decision but it is a blessing beyond words to know that in moments of her day she chooses His way.

It is a blessing beyond words to know that as I pray and sing over her she is praying for me, and not only me, but Heather and the rest of our extended family.

Thank you for reading.

I had to share.

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I'm the author of The World of Pangea, a blogger and eSports journalist. In my spare time I love to write about the history of fantasy, writing tips, family history and occasionally politics. Sometimes I interview other authors and review their work. I am an avid collector of Superman comics and I love to write poetry.

2 thoughts on “A Fathers Heart”

  1. I love this…and also the image of you bending near to hear what she is saying. That’s what I picture when I pray–my Heavenly Father holding me and bending near to hear what I’m saying.

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